Adis Journals
AMI-CD-QA-049 Clinical Considerations Table 08.03.21.PNG (51.41 kB)

Amikacin Liposome Inhalation Suspension in Refractory Mycobacterium avium Complex Lung Disease: A Profile of Its Use

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posted on 2021-03-14, 18:49 authored by Sheridan M. Hoy


Funding The preparation of this review was not supported by any external funding.

Authorship and Conflict of interest Sheridan M. Hoy is a salaried employee of Adis International Ltd/Springer Nature, and declares no relevant conflicts of interest. All authors contributed to the review and are responsible for the article content.

Ethics approval, Consent to participate, Consent to publish, Availability of data and material, Code availability Not applicable.

Additional information about this Adis Drug Review can be found here.


Amikacin liposome inhalation suspension (ALIS) [Arikayce® Liposomal (EU); Arikayce® (USA)], a liposomal suspension of the aminoglycoside amikacin (590 mg) for nebulization via the Lamira® Nebulizer System, is available as add-on therapy for treatment-refractory Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) lung disease in adults who have little or no alternative treatment options. Its addition to guidelines-based therapy (GBT) significantly improved the likelihood of achieving sputum culture conversion (defined as three consecutive monthly MAC-negative sputum cultures) by month 6 relative to GBT alone in adults with treatment-refractory MAC lung disease, with the conversion response maintained over up to 12 months’ therapy and at 3 months’ post treatment in significantly higher proportions of ALIS plus GBT than GBT alone recipients. ALIS as an add-on therapy to GBT was associated with an increased risk of respiratory adverse reactions compared with GBT alone, but treatment-emergent adverse events associated with systemic amikacin exposure were uncommon.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
