Spesolimab, an Anti-Interleukin-36 Receptor Antibody, in Patients With Palmoplantar Pustulosis: Results of A Phase IIa, Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study
Version 3 2021-04-14, 13:24Version 3 2021-04-14, 13:24
Version 2 2021-03-05, 12:42Version 2 2021-03-05, 12:42
Version 1 2021-02-26, 17:10Version 1 2021-02-26, 17:10
posted on 2021-04-14, 13:24authored byAdis journals on behalf of:, Ulrich Mrowietz, A David Burden, Andreas Pinter, Kristian Reich, Knut Schäkel, Patrick Baum, Yakov Datsenko, Hongjie Deng, Steven J Padula, Christian Thoma, Robert Bissonnette
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