Adis Journals

Long-Term Comparative Efficacy and Safety of Risdiplam and Nusinersen in Children with Type 1 Spinal Muscular Atrophy

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Version 2 2024-05-07, 08:33
Version 1 2024-04-12, 20:05
posted on 2024-05-07, 08:33 authored by Adis Rapid Journals on behalf of:, Christos Kokaliaris, Rachel Evans, Neil Hawkins, Anadi Mahajan, David Alexander Scott, C. Simone Sutherland, Julian Nam, Gautam Sajeev

 The above video represents the opinions of the authors. For a full list of declarations, including funding and author disclosure statements, and copyright information, please see the full text online. (see “read the peer-reviewed publication” opposite). 
