Impact of PIF, Inhalation Technique and Medication Adherence on Health Status and Exacerbations in COPD: Protocol of a Real-World Observational Study (PIFotal COPD Study)
Version 2 2021-09-17, 15:22Version 2 2021-09-17, 15:22
Version 1 2021-08-27, 08:48Version 1 2021-08-27, 08:48
posted on 2021-09-17, 15:22authored byAdis Journals on behalf of, Marika Leving, Hans Wouters, Alberto de la Hoz, Sinthia Bosnic-Anticevich, Richard Dekhuijzen, Asparuh Gardev, Federico Lavorini, Jiska Meijer, David Price, Miguel Román Rodríguez, Ioanna Tsiligianni, Omar Usmani, Brgit Wijnsma, Janwillem Kocks
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