posted on 2024-10-31, 08:45authored byAdis Journals on behalf of:, Teresa Torres Moral, Gemma Tell-Martí, Jaume Bague, Pau Roses-Gibert, Neus Calbet-Llopart, Judit Mateu, Javiera Perez-Anker, Miriam Potrony, Beatriz Alejo, Pablo Iglesias, Natalia Espinosa, Carmen Orte Cano, Elisa Cinotti, Véronique Del Marmol, Margot Fontaine, Makiko Miyamoto, Jilliana Monnier, Jean-Luc Perrot, Pietro Rubegni, Linda Tognetti, Mariano Suppa, Anne Laure Demessant-Flavigny, Caroline Le Floc’h,, Leonor Prieto, Josep Malvehy, Susana Puig
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