Adis Journals

Papillary Thyroid Cancer—Aggressive Variants and Impact on Management: A Narrative Review

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posted on 2020-05-28, 09:56 authored by Andrés Coca-Pelaz, Jatin P. Shah, Juan C. Hernandez-Prera, Ronald A. Ghossein, Juan P. Rodrigo, Dana M. Hartl, Kerry D. Olsen, Ashok R. Shaha, Mark Zafereo, Carlos Suarez, Iain J. Nixon, Gregory W. Randolph, Antti A. Mäkitie, Luiz P. Kowalski, Vincent Vander Poorten, Alvaro Sanabria, Orlando Guntinas-Lichius, Ricard Simo, Peter Zbären, Peter Angelos, Avi Khafif, Alessandra Rinaldo, Alfio Ferlito

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