Adis Journals

Individualizing Time-in-Range Goals in Management of Diabetes Mellitus and Role of Insulin: Clinical Insights From a Multinational Panel

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Version 3 2021-01-04, 17:35
Version 2 2020-12-24, 08:54
Version 1 2020-12-02, 16:24
posted on 2021-01-04, 17:35 authored by Adis journals on behalf of, Sanjay Kalra, Shehla Shaikh, Gagan Priya, Manas P. Baruah, Abhyudaya Verma, Ashok K. Das, Mona Shah, Sambit Das, Deepak Khandelwal, Debmalya Sanyal, Sujoy Ghosh, Banshi Saboo, Ganapathi Bantwal, Usha Ayyagari, Daphne Gardner, Cecilia Jimeno, Nancy E. Barbary, Khadijah A. Hafidh, Jyoti Bhattarai, Tania T. Minulj, Hendra Zufry, Uditha Bulugahapitiya, Moosa Murad, Alexander Tan, Selim Shahjada, Mijinyawa B. Bello, Prasad Katulanda, Gracjan Podgorski, Wajeeha I. AbuHelaiqa, Rima Tan, Ali Latheef, Sedeshan Govender, Samir H. Assaad-Khalil, Cecilia Kootin-Sanwu, Ansumali Joshi, Faruque Pathan, Diana A. Nkansah

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